Thursday, January 8, 2015


January 7 is Coptic Christmas and a local holiday in Egypt.  My husband had the day off of work.  We stayed home due to dreary weather, and by dreary weather I mean a frigid sand storm.  There's no way to go outside and have fun in the cold when you're getting sprayed with wind-blown sand.  So we hunkered down, played games with the kids, watched movies and worked on this blog.  By lunchtime we felt like ordering some scrumptious Lebanese food.  Since I knew that my kids would not like Lebanese food, I decided to treat them with a McDelivery - call it a little Coptic Christmas present.  In the full 12 months that we have been in Egypt, I am happy to say that this was our first delivery from McDonald's.  They had Happy Meals: 4-piece chicken nuggets, tropical juice and a milk shake.  Since we didn't want to go out in the sand storm and because I can pretty much have anything delivered to my door step with a simple telephone call, I had our groceries delivered, too.  We were feeling pretty lazy (probably in part from all the food and also because most of us were still in pajamas) and I didn't feel like making dinner either so we had pizza delivered.  Seriously, you don't even have to leave your apartment here.  ;-)
The McDelivery Man was happy to let M take his picture after he explained that in America McDonald's doesn't deliver in the cities where we have lived.
Happy Meals = Happy Girls.  If you are wondering if the french fries were still hot...not as hot as if you were in the restaurant but still warm and delicious.
Kids got McD's; Mom & Dad ordered from our favorite Lebanese Restaurant - Taboula.  We got shish taouk and hummos with meat shawerma.  The homemade flat bread was delicious, too.  And Taboula's to-go bag is almost a work of art.

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